Regelzeit x Vulvani: Being a guest on a podcast about periods

When small dreams come true! I was a guest on the German podcast about periods ‘Regelzeit’ and talked to the journalist Elena Berchermeier about one of my favorite topics: Free Bleeding. I shared about my personal experiences with free bleeding, offered tips for learning it and so much more. We also talked about why it is actually quite natural not to use period products. If you’ve always wanted to learn more about Free Bleeding, this podcast episode is for you – it is only in German though. At the end of the podcast, I’ll give you my personal tip for your period.

Who is the creator of the podcast about periods?

Out of the desire to always try something new and to continue learning, Elena started a German podcast about periods. The first episodes were released in the summer of 2020. She asked herself: “How much do we know about menstruation and how much do we talk about it? And the answer for both was unfortunately: Not enough. With her podcast, she therefore wants to educate, demystify and make periods visible. Every week she interviews a different person. In doing so she always pursues a new question about periods and the menstrual cycle. For she thinks we should all know much more about the topic. And we couldn’t agree more!

Photo Credits: Elena

Are you curious to try free bleeding and experience your period in a new way? Then our online course “Menstruation without products: Learn Free Bleeding” is perfect for you

What is talked about on the podcast about periods?

There is no topic too taboo for Elena’s podcast.  The topics are as diverse as the period itself. From endometriosis, menopause, free bleedingcycle knowledge and the pill, everything is included – always in conversation with an expert on the topic. Her period podcast is not only about statistics or biology. It is also about feelings, personal experiences and all aspects of the period. Because there is no absolute right or wrong, no ideal for the period. As a freelance journalist, Elena is more interested in making the variety of menstrual experiences visible. Thank you dear Elena for starting such an important podcast about periods and for letting me be a part of it as an interview guest.

Have fun listening to the podcast

Listen to the podcast about periods and write me if you have any questions about my interview and Free Bleeding. The podcast is exclusively available on the Greman podcast platform Podimo. However, you can listen to one episode for free. The intro episode and the first three episodes are also freely available without a premium subscription. On Instagram, Elena always keeps you informed about new episodes, gives insights behind the scenes of being a podcaster and is always happy about new questions from the community for her podcast.

The look into your cycle

Receive your digital workbook directly by email and learn about your menstrual cycle in 5 steps!
September 15, 2020
Britta Wiebe ist die Co-Gründerin von Vulvani. Am liebsten recherchiert, schreibt und konzipiert sie den ganzen Tag neue Artikel oder innovative Bildungsformate rund um Menstruation. Wenn sie nicht in der weiten Welt unterwegs ist, genießt sie ihre Zeit mit lieben Menschen im schönen Hamburg. | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter

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